The Perfect Pet You Didn’t Know You Wanted

We have seen a big influx of rabbits coming into our shelter lately. While many jump at the chance to rescue a cat or dog, fewer recognize what a wonderful pet a rabbit can be. 

Here are just some of the reasons rabbits make great pets. 

  • Rabbits are kid-friendly! Your kiddo can bond with a pet and you don’t have to worry about anyone getting hurt. Plus, a rabbit provides a great opportunity to teach your child lessons in responsibility. Because they’re so easy to care for, your child can successfully be the lead rabbit caretaker in your household. 

  • Most rabbits are social, not just with people but with other animals, too. If you have one pet and are ready to add another to the mix, a rabbit is likely to connect with the two- and four-legged members of your family. 

  • The term “cuddle bunny” was inspired for a reason. Rabbits are soft and sweet and they love to be pet and cuddled. Go on, let your rabbit sit with you while you watch TV at night, or have him rest on your lap while you work. Your colleagues won’t mind catching a glimpse over Zoom. 

  • They’re quiet. With a rabbit, there will be no barking at cars or waking you up at night meowing. Although we love our canine and feline friends, we can admit that silence is golden! 

  • Rabbits don’t need much space. A nice pen will do, and you can even teach your rabbit to use a litter box so that you don’t have to spend much time cleaning up after it. 

  • Think you can only train a dog to do tricks? Think again! Get a clicker and teach your rabbit to run, fetch or spin on cue! They also like to play with toys.

We have several rabbits who are waiting for a forever home and more will be ready for adoption soon.  Is there a bunny in your future? 

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