Crockett Memorial Fund FAQs


General FAQs

+ How is very low income eligibility determined for my application?

This program uses the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Low Income Guidelines to determine eligibility for our program. These guidelines are set by county and number of people per household for each year. To find where your income falls, visit the HUD website.

+ Can I submit an application for someone else?

Yes, we encourage the assistance of friends, family or referring individuals to assist in getting applications submitted. Please make sure that unless you plan to assist throughout the entire process to enter only the applicant’s information (including contact) for every question.

+ I haven’t received a response to my application and it’s been more than 2 business days, what should I do?

First, check your spam folder in your email. If it’s not there, try checking the email address you used in your application, if it’s not exact, your response may have gone to a different inbox. If your email address is incorrect or you cannot find our email in your spam, please email for further assistance.


Veterinary Help FAQs

+ What is covered under “essential care?”

Essential care is a determination made between us and the treating veterinarian. While we don’t usually cover preventative care or cosmetic procedures, if your veterinarian lets us know why this is part of your pet’s treatment plan, we can adjust to meet the needs of your pet.

In general, we do not cover nail trims, grooming, flea/ tick prevention, heartworm prevention, deworming, non-“core” vaccinations (FeLV, Rattlesnake, etc), dew claw removal, deciduous teeth removal, tail docking, ear cropping, wellness exams, “routine” dentals, etc.

+ Can I get assistance with preventative care like spay/neuter, vaccinations and microchipping?

Yes! We absolutely want to assist you in keeping your pet healthy with these services! Please inquire about these services when speaking to staff.

+ I received a grant previously, but my pet (or my other pet) is having another issue. Can I request an additional grant?

No. Unfortunately, due to the limited funding of this program, our grants are set up to be single use. For additional funding resources see